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Jeff Davis Underground Water Conservation District

Contact: Janet Adams
General Manager
113 State St
Fort Davis, Texas 79734
Enabling/Major Legislation: Acts 1987, 70th R.S.,ch. 429, General and Special Laws of Texas; Acts 2003, 78th R.S.,ch. 92, General and Special Laws of Texas; Acts 2007, 80th R.S.,ch. 1405, General and Special Laws of Texas. Codified at Special District Local Laws Code Chapter 8802.
Link To Current Enabling Legislation:
Link To management Plan Or Instructions On Where To Find It:
Link To District Rules Or Instructions On Where To Find Them:
Number Of Counties: 1
Counties Covered: Jeff Davis
Income Source: Fees
GCD Population: Less than 5 Thousand
Community Type: Rural
Largest Use: Public Water Supply
Selection of Board Members: Appointed
Number of Board Members: 5
GMAs: 4
Exempt Wells: N/A
Reporting Requirements: Yes, for all production wells
Reporting Frequency: yearly
Meter Requirements: Yes, for all productuion wells
Spacing Requirements: RULE 11.1 SPACING AND PRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS: a. Wells may not be drilled within one hundred (100) feet of any property line. In addition, new wells must be located so that the distance to any other existing well is at least one foot for each one gallon per minute of production capacity up to a maximum of one thousand (1000) gallons per minute. If the capacity of the well exceeds one thousand (1000) gallons per minute then the minimum spacing distance must be an additional one-half (1/2) foot per one gallon per minute in excess of one thousand gallons per minute.
Production Limitations (Non-Exempt Wells): c. The maximum cumulative amount of groundwater production may not exceed Igneous Aquifer 651,851 gallons (2 acre foot) Edwards-Trinity Aquifer 651,851 gallons (2 acre foot) Rustler Downdip 651,851 gallons (2 acre foot) West Texas Bolsons 325,851 gallons (1 acre foot) of groundwater per surface acre owned or controlled per year.
Do you have a well plugging program? No
Does your district offer any financial assistance or in kind services for plugging? No
Do you offer water quality testing? No
Do you have a newsletter? No
How can someone subscribe to your newsletter? N/A
Do you offer educational outreach? yes

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