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Colorado County Groundwater Conservation District

Contact: James Brasher
General Manager
109 Milam St
Columbus, Texas 78934
(979) 732-9300
Enabling/Major Legislation: Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 953 (H.B. 4032), Sec. 1, eff. June 15, 2007. Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. 1262 (S.B. 987), Sec. 1, eff. June 17, 2011. Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. 628 (H.B. 4291), Sec. 1, eff. June 12, 2017. Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. 628 (H.B. 4291), Sec. 2, eff., June 12, 2017.
Link To Current Enabling Legislation:
Link To management Plan Or Instructions On Where To Find It:
Link To District Rules Or Instructions On Where To Find Them:
Number Of Counties: 1
Counties Covered: Colorado County
Income Source: Tax
GCD Population: 10 Thousand-50 Thousand
Community Type: Rural
Largest Use: Agricultural
Selection of Board Members: Elected
Number of Board Members: 7
GMAs: GMA 15
Exempt Wells: All domestic and livestock wells equipped so that they are incapable of producing more than 50,000 gallons per day are exempt from requiring a permit. All Class A wells (< 200 gpm) that have a casing size of four inches or less unless owners or operators are seeking to use more than 50 ac-ft in a three year period.
Reporting Requirements: Yes, for all wells with permits > 100 ac-ft.
Reporting Frequency: Annual
Meter Requirements: Yes, for Class C wells (> 600 gpm) unless exempted by Board. No for Class A & B wells unless required by Board.
Spacing Requirements: Any new well may not be drilled wihtin fifty feet from the property line of any adjoining landowner unless otherwise approved by the District or TDLR. Wells must be located a minumum of one hundred fifty feet from any concentrated sources of potential contamination such as, but not limited to, existing or proposed livestock or poultry yards, cemeteries, pesticide mixing/loading facilities, and privies. Wells must be located a mimimum of one hundred feet from a dry litter poultry facility. A well shall be located a minumum of one hundred feet from an existing or proposed septic system absorption field or spray area. A well must be located a minimum of fifty feet from any water-tight sewage facility or liquid-waste collection facility. No well may be located within five-hundred feet of a sewater
Production Limitations (Non-Exempt Wells): Authorized withdrawal limits are established by the permit and are based on reasonable usage. In the event of curtailment, operating permits are curtailed before existing and historic use permits. Production rate limits are incorporated into the class of permit. Class A permits on for wells capable of less than 200 gpm. Class B permits are for wells capable of producing between 200 and 600 gpm and Class C wells are for wells capable of producing more than 600 gpm.
Do you have a well plugging program? Yes
Does your district offer any financial assistance or in kind services for plugging? Yes
Do you offer water quality testing? No
Do you have a newsletter? No
How can someone subscribe to your newsletter? NA
Do you offer educational outreach? Yes

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