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Hemphill County Underground Water Conservation District

Contact: Janet Guthrie
General Manager
908 S 2nd Street
Canadian, Texas 79014
Enabling/Major Legislation: Chapter 157, Acts of the 74th Legislature, Regular Session, 1995 as amended by Chapter 208, Acts of the 85th Legislature, Regular Session, 2017.?
Link To Current Enabling Legislation:
Link To management Plan Or Instructions On Where To Find It:
Link To District Rules Or Instructions On Where To Find Them: or contact our office 806-323-8350
Number Of Counties: 1
Counties Covered: All of Hemphill County
Income Source: Tax
GCD Population: Less than 5 Thousand
Community Type: Rural
Largest Use: Agricultural
Selection of Board Members: Elected
Number of Board Members: 5
GMAs: 1
Exempt Wells: domestic use on less than 10 acres and up to 35 gpm;
Reporting Requirements: Yes for metered wells
Reporting Frequency: Annual and Quarterly
Meter Requirements: Yes, for all new non-exempt permitted wells producing over 200 gpm and any designated water well in a Strategic Conservation Depletion Area
Spacing Requirements: Spacing requirements are based on well capacity and production rates from well to well (of the same capacity) and from nearest property lines: up to 17.5 gpm 50 feet from property line; 17.6 to 35 gpm 100 yards from nearest well or authorized site and 50 feet from nearest property line; 36 to 70 gpm 150 yards from nearest well or authorized site and 75 yards from nearest property line; 71 to 265 gpm 200 yards from nearest well or authorized site and 100 yards from nearest property line;266 to 390 gpm 250 yards from nearest well or authorized site and 125 yards from nearest property line; 391 to 560 gpm 300 yards from nearest well or authorized site and 150 yards from nearest property line; 561 to 1,000 gpm 440 yards from nearest authorized site and 220 yards from the nearest property line; 1,00
Production Limitations (Non-Exempt Wells): Production limits are based on non-wasteful beneficial use, spacing requirements, maximum production rate, and acceptable Decline Rate (1% of the saturated thickness of the aquifer).
Do you have a well plugging program? No
Does your district offer any financial assistance or in kind services for plugging? No
Do you offer water quality testing? Yes
Do you have a newsletter? No
How can someone subscribe to your newsletter? N/A
Do you offer educational outreach? Yes

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